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Webinar Follow-Up Questions

The speaker was on time, the attendees logged in, and the technology worked. Your webinar was a success and now it is over. One last thought, though, how well is your evaluation survey working for you? Association webinar follow-up surveys appear immediately after the webinar ends. The response rate is typically very high, especially if you are mindful of timing and you keep the question list succinct. The objective for the event may have been education for attendees but don’t miss the opportunity to gain valuable insights and information in the follow-up survey.

Here are some questions to consider:

These questions benefit future education planning but are also a benefit to your speakers. Think about including anonymous results to these questions in your speaker follow-up and thank you note.

→ What were the strengths of the presentation?

→ What do you feel could have been improved during this webinar? 

→ Did the learning objectives match the content of the session?

Think about using the follow-up survey as an opportunity to grab quick testimonials on the value of your education by asking:

→ How valuable is this webinar to your membership benefits?

→ How do you plan to apply the information shared in this presentation to your work?

For your future planning ask:

→ What topics would you like to see addressed in future webinars?

If you have non-members attending your webinar include a question about membership or start building a database of active non-members.

→ Are you interested in receiving information on joining?

→ Are you interested in receiving information on upcoming events?

Of course, the results you are getting from a webinar follow-up survey is only as good as the effort you put into accessing, reviewing, and using the results. Don’t miss this opportunity to add value to your webinar speaker, gather data for future webinar planning, capture testimonials about the benefit of your webinar program, and build a database of prospects.

Picture of Rachel Daeger, CAE, IOM

Rachel Daeger, CAE, IOM

Rachel Daeger, CAE, IOM joined the RGI team in 2010. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism and business from Indiana University. With extensive association management experience, Rachel uses her communication and organizational skills to meet her clients strategic objectives regardless of their industry.