Certifications & Designations

The Importance of Certifications

RGI is committed to the continual improvement of our employees as well as our company, itself. The designations and certifications earned throughout RGI reflect the high-level expertise and professional standards that contribute directly to the success of our clients.

Average Client Tenure is 10 Years

3 Clients with 20+ Years

Office located in Indianapolis, IN

Employees located in Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana, and New Mexico

33 Employees

51% Have obtained professional designations
40% Have completed certification courses

15 Full-Service Clients

State, Regional, National, and International Associations Managed

Association types include Individual/ Professional Associations and Trade Associations

Unmatched Expertise

RGI has a team of 38 staff members, many of which have the highest designations in their field. This gives RGI clients access to an unmatched network of experts at the top of their respective areas. 

8 Qualified Association Specialists (QAS)

5 Certified Meeting Professionals (CMPs)

Additional Designations Include

Association Digital Marketing Certifications
Institute for Organizational Management Grads
Digital Event Specialist
Certified Volunteer Administrator (CVA)
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

13 Certified Association Executives

8 Staff Members with Master's Degrees or Higher

1 Fellow of the American Society of Association Executives (FASAE)

1 CMP Fellow