Raybourn Group International logo with hand using calculator for financial planning

Free E-Book: How to Avoid Financial Pitfalls for Your Association

Embezzlement. Fraud. Financial crisis. As a stakeholder of a non-profit organization, these are words you never want to hear. But every day, non-profits find themselves facing these issues. Most had no prior indication that something was amiss–and even more thought it could never happen to them.

This e-book is designed for board members who are looking to safeguard their organization’s finances. It will outline the steps you need to take to understand your organization’s financial picture, plan for the future, and avoid financial pitfalls for your association.

  • Step 1: Understand your role.
  • Step 2: Set policies–and make sure they are
    understood and followed.
  • Step 3: Understand financial reports.
  • Step 4: Review planning and reporting.
  • Step 5: Take action.

Download Your Free Financial Pitfalls E-Book Here

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