5 Books Leaders Need to Read This New Year


January is here and it’s time to start tackling your New Year’s resolutions. Did reading more and learning new things land on your resolution list this year? Studies have cited that leaders are inquisitive and have an appetite to keep learning.  For many, this takes the form of reading books. It’s not uncommon for leaders to have three to six books on their nightstand at any given time. Here are a few of my top picks for leaders in 2017:



Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box from The Arbinger Institute
This book explores and teaches ways to look at leadership through the lens of our interactions with people and seeing ourselves as others see us. It’s a great book to include in a retreat or leadership series for emerging leaders, or with a leadership team.



Change Your Questions Change Your Life by Marilee Adams, PhD
Coming up the career ladder, we see our role as answering all the questions. But how often do we take time to make sure we have asked the right questions before jumping to a conclusion? And even when questions are asked, are they done so in a leading way? This book includes an interactive way to use Q-Storming to help a team find solutions.



Double Double: How to Double Your Revenue and Profit in 3 Years or Less by Cameron Herold
In today’s world, nonprofit leaders have to be part entrepreneur. Herold’s book has an entrepreneurial bend to topics like hiring, communication, meetings, technology and culture.



The Five Temptations of a CEO by Patrick Lencioni
Lencioni’s books are easy to read and packed with valuable insights and this one is no exception. Be ready to reflect and grow.



The Road to Reinvention: How to Drive and Accelerate Transformation by Josh Linkner
Linkner is a serial innovator in the tech industry. With disruptors effecting almost every industry and profession, every association needs to be able to reinvent. This book could be the kick start you need to lead your own reinvention.


Order even one of these today and keep moving towards your New Year’s resolutions.