3 Keys to A Successful Mobile App for Your Next Event


There are now countless ways to engage your audience and spark participation at an event or conference. One of the most successful methods is the use of a mobile app. A successful mobile app generates audience involvement and increases networking, while also providing practical tools like an attendee roster, schedule of events and map of the host city.

Here are 3 keys to successfully utilizing a mobile app at your next event or conference:

1. Plan Ahead

Developing a mobile app takes some time. Create a proposal for your event app, present it to your mobile partner and secure a plan 4-5 months before your event. Data and design work happens around the two-month countdown, where you can customize your app and determine what your attendees will need to make their experience better. Because you planned ahead, the weeks leading up to your event can be saved for final design approval, updates, and testing.

2. Promote your app

An app is only as good as its participants. Without promotion of your app, it’s hard to expect much engagement. Add promotions to your event communication plan and focus on social media. Be creative and offer rewards or contests for app downloads.

3. Monitor your results

One of the benefits of partnering with a mobile company is that they can easily provide you with analytics (specifically user data) during and after the event. This data will be crucial both for the success of your future events and for the mobile company with whom you’re partnered with.

Implementing these 3 keys to executing a successful mobile event app will result in a well-developed and customized interface, an engaged audience and security for success in your future events.