Group of mixed race business people discussing and communicating strategies and ideas

Effective Communication and Collaboration Between Board Members and Staff in Non-Profit Professional Societies

Effective communication and collaboration between board members and staff are essential for the success of professional societies. When these two groups work well together, the organization operates more efficiently, creating a positive culture that encourages innovation and supports the society’s mission. Below are several key strategies to foster strong communication and collaboration between board members and staff.

1. Establish Clear Roles and Responsibilities

By having defined roles, both board members and staff can collaborate more effectively, knowing where their responsibilities begin and end. Board members focus on governance, strategic direction, and oversight, while staff handle day-to-day operations and implement board policies. Executive Director’s serve as the bridge between board and staff, offering counsel and expert advice to the board while ensuring the board’s directives are executed by staff. Establishing clear roles helps prevent confusion and unnecessary friction.

To ensure clarity:

    • Draft written descriptions for both board and staff roles.
    • Regularly review and update these descriptions as needed to reflect any changes in organizational goals or structure.
    • Create opportunities for discussion if anyone is unsure about their role or responsibilities.
2. Promote Open Channels of Communication

Transparency and open communication are key to collaboration. Board members and staff should feel comfortable sharing ideas, feedback, and concerns. This openness can be achieved through structured, consistent communication methods.

Suggested ways to promote open communication:

    • Establish regular communication channels, such as monthly reports from staff to the board and updates from board committees.
    • Organize routine meetings where both groups can engage in meaningful dialogue.
    • Foster an environment that encourages the sharing of questions, ideas, and constructive feedback.
3. Recognize and Respect Staff Expertise

Staff members bring a wealth of expertise, knowledge, and dedication to their roles. Many have spent their careers working in non-profits and continuously invest time in professional development. Recognizing and respecting this expertise is crucial to creating a collaborative working environment.

At RGI, staff members dedicate hundreds of hours each year to learning and growing within their roles, refining the skills necessary to help non-profits succeed. Boards benefit from this commitment and by involving staff in decision-making processes.

Ways to respect staff expertise include:

    • Treat staff as subject-matter experts, recognizing the specialized knowledge they bring to the organization.
    • Request staff input on organizational decisions.
    • Acknowledge the time staff dedicate to staying current in their field, knowing that this benefits the organization as a whole.
4. Respect Professional Boundaries

While collaboration is important, it is equally essential to respect professional boundaries. Board members should focus on governance and strategy, leaving operational matters to the staff. Micromanagement can disrupt operations and lead to tension between the two groups. Similarly, staff members should understand the boundaries around governance matters.

To maintain boundaries:

    • Board members should stay focused on strategy and avoid delving into day-to-day management tasks.
    • Staff should provide the necessary support for board initiatives but refrain from encroaching on governance issues unless specifically asked.

This mutual respect for boundaries helps to foster a balanced, respectful partnership between the board and staff.

5. Set Collaborative Goals and Metrics

Aligning on shared goals is critical for collaboration. By working together to set objectives and metrics, board members and staff ensure that everyone is working toward the same outcomes. This collaborative goal-setting process encourages accountability and clarity while ensuring that everyone is contributing toward the same vision.

How to set collaborative goals:

    • Hold joint strategic planning sessions where both groups can discuss short- and long-term goals.
    • Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and ensure both groups are aligned.
    • Regularly review goals and KPIs, adjusting them as necessary to reflect changes in the organization’s environment or mission.
6. Celebrate Successes Together

Acknowledging and celebrating achievements—whether large or small—creates a sense of shared purpose and strengthens the relationship between board members and staff. Recognizing contributions from both groups reinforces the importance of collaboration and boosts morale.

Ways to celebrate success include:

    • Highlight accomplishments during board meetings and staff updates.
    • Organize events where both board members and staff can celebrate milestones together.
    • Encourage peer recognition by providing platforms for both groups to acknowledge each other’s contributions.

For associations to thrive, effective communication and collaboration between board members and staff are essential. By recognizing and respecting the expertise of staff, maintaining clear roles and boundaries, setting shared goals, and celebrating successes, organizations can create an environment where both groups work together harmoniously to fulfill the mission of the organization.

When board members and staff collaborate effectively, the organization is better positioned to deliver on its promises, serve its members, and make a positive impact.

Picture of Nicole Brandt

Nicole Brandt

Nicole Brandt joined RGI in 2024 as Executive Director. She has a BA in Interactive Media and Graphic Design and a Certificate in Non-Profit Management, as well as 5 years of experience in the association management space. Her expertise is working to activate and implement strategic plans, thereby advancing the organization's goals to fruition.