3 Ways to Power Up Your Social Media Channels

There are strategies everywhere to enhance each of your social media channels. For the purpose of this blog, we will focus on three things you can do across all channels to enhance how your association uses them. They aren’t complicated and they don’t require a budget line to execute.

Use a Consistent Voice

One of the purposes of having social media is to have your audience develop a relationship with the association. To do this, there should be some sort of consistency with your posts; both in how often posts are made and how they sound. There needs to be guidelines and verbiage that are implemented consistently no matter if you have one person posting to your social media channels or multiple volunteers to make the association seem more united as one entity. If you go look at any large brand’s social media channels, you will notice each post sounds like it is coming from the brand itself. This is a conscious strategy they are putting in place.

Interact With Comments

You’ve probably read about programs that help you schedule out posts in advance so you don’t have to remember to post at a certain time. The downside with these is the lack of monitoring after a post goes live. By having members comment on posts and interacting with them with the association’s voice, it builds a sense of community within the membership. You can initiate comments with how you phrase the post. At the end, if it’s applicable, ask your members their opinion on the subject matter. Not only will you be able to respond back to them, but so will other members. The more activity on each post, the more exposure it will have.

Create Routine Posts

One way to keep members coming back to your page is having somewhat of a regular schedule of content. With many channels using complicated algorithms now, members can miss your posts. By creating a routine and having members searching for information on their own it can help divert the effect of the algorithm. For example, Mondays are used for association news, Wednesdays are for industry news, and Fridays are some sort of fun post. You can come up with a routine that works best for your association. It will not only help your members know what to expect, but also keep you and your social media team on an easy-to-follow schedule.

These three tips aren’t complicated, but their effects could be worth your while. By following these three points, you will become more intentional with your social media marketing and in turn, you will help it grow.