Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group
Full Service Association Client
DSMIG Mission: DSMIG-USA is a group of health professionals committed to promoting the optimal health care and wellness of individuals with Down syndrome (DS) across the lifespan.
Key Member Benefits:
- Reduced registration fees
- Access to members only section of DSMIG-USA website
- Discussion groups
Key Projects:
- Annual Symposium
- Newsletter including news, research studies, published articles, and more.
- Project Echo
Why has partnering with RGI made your association successful?
We are a volunteer-run organization with a working board. By partnering with RGI has helped us fulfill our mission. Our board and committees have the time to work on projects instead of focusing on how best to run the organization. Because of this, we are able to better serve individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and their medical providers.

If a potential client was on the fence about whether to work with RGI, what would you say to them?
We began partnering with RGI at the beginning of 2020 and have never looked back. Our organization has flourished with their support. We are bigger, better, and stronger than ever.
We are grateful to RGI for taking us on and helping us succeed!

What two significant improvements have resulted from the partnership with RGI?
Increase in membership and more sound financials.

Share a specific project or experience where RGI exceeded your expectations
RGI helps with our annual symposium. Having Emilie and her team support us has allowed us to provide a more up-to-date program with the use of technology that we didn't have access to in the past.